800.699.3522 info@ArdanGroup.com

Two Innovative Financial Planning Options for Seniors: Reverse Mortgages and Life Settlements.

Financial Planning Options for Seniors; Life Settlements vs. Reverse Mortgages

We’re all aware of the retirement funding dilemma in America. Faced with this overwhelming financial reality, it’s very important that Seniors maximize all of their available assets in order to produce the cash needed to fund their retirement years. Life Settlements & Reverse Mortgages are two financial planning options which have been proven to be very beneficial and are recommended by Financial Advisors across America.

  • Life/Viatical Settlement: this is the sale of a life insurance policy to a third party. Both Term and Cash Value Policies may be considered. A Policy Owner receives a lump sum cash payment, a future guaranteed death benefit (Retained Death Benefit) or combination of both. The Policy Owner is no longer responsible for future premium payments.
  • Reverse Mortgage: this is a loan to a Homeowner which is based on of the equity in the home. The loan is called a Reverse Mortgage and instead of making monthly mortgage payments to a lender, the lender makes payments to the Homeowner(borrower). The borrower is not required to pay back the loan until the home is sold, vacated or upon the death of the homeowner.
Life Settlement or Viatical Settlement Reverse Mortgage
Age 70 or older for a Life Settlement

Age requirements are not applicable for a Viatical  Settlements.  A person of any with serious or life threatening or terminal medical issues may qualify for a Viatical Setttlement.

62 or older
Health Higher Settlement dollars if serious health issues are present Not important
Homeowner Not important Required
Dollar Amount Available Determined by the marketplace Determined by the appraised home value
Payment Lump Sum or future death benefit Lump Sum or income stream
Regulated By individual states Federal Housing Administration

Contact us at 800-699-3522 or use online form to get information about your eligibility for a Life or Viatical Settlement. All inquiries are held in the strictest confidence.